DID Numbers Search

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The DID Number Availability and Portability tool allows you to identify regions and rate centers for which you can order new phone numbers and/or port your existing phone numbers.

DID Numbers Availability and Portability

Search Results Charlottetown
Country / State / Province: Canada - Prince Edward Island
Rate center / Region: Charlottetown

State / Province Rate center / Region Area Code Availability 1 Portable 2 T.38 3 SMS 4
Prince Edward Island Charlottetown +1 (902) XXX-XXXX In stock: 8 Yes Yes Yes
Prince Edward Island Charlottetown +1 (782) XXX-XXXX On order Yes Yes Yes

Availability: New numbers in Charlottetown can be ordered and activated.
Portability: You can keep and transfer you existing numbers in Charlottetown.
T.38: The Fax Protocol (T.38) will allow faxing to Charlottetown phone numbers.
SMS: Indicates if Short Messaging Service (SMS) is supported for Charlottetown.
New: The rate center was added recently.


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