  • Q: Availability of DID local numbers.

    We keep an inventory of local telephone numbers for the cities that are most requested.

    Should the city you are looking for not be in our inventory, simply click on the order link.

    The order and activation of the telephone number is usually completed within 24 to 72 business hours.

  • Q: What are the services offered in relation to DNCL?

    If you are making telemarketing calls aimed at specific individuals, you should be familiar with the DNCL (Do Not Call List).

    Did you know it is possible to automatically filter your list to exclude individuals currently on the DNCL through our services?

    This allows you to avoid communicating with a recipient on the DNCL list and thus avoid exposing yourself to penalties.

    Get in touch with our team for further details regarding our DNCL solutions.

  • Q: Are there any setup fees?

    Subscribing and activating an account with our services is free.
    Fees apply to your plan and DID number ($4.30 USD per month per number plus tax).

  • Q: Is it possible to get International DID Numbers?

    Yes, it is possible to get international DID Numbers.

    CLICK HERE to see the full list of where we can get International DIDs from. 

    Pricing varies by location, you will need to contact us to get a quote and to place an order.

  • Q: Can I receive my virtual faxes in multiple email addresses?

    The virtual fax profile can be configured to receive faxes to one email address per DID.

    However, should you want to receive faxes at multiple email addresses simultaneously, you can use an email distribution list (contact your web hosting company). You can also create a message rule in your favorite mail software for it to automatically forward your fax to more than one email address.